Saturday, January 29, 2011

Food for thought

Wouldn't it be terrifying if someone was after you. And no one could catch them. They could pop up at any time and in any given place. They could take and do anything that they wanted when they wanted. No one could dream of doing anything about it. The essence of a shadow or smoke were it personified. Just something to think about...

Back to Work!!!

The break was good. I wouldn't say I came any closer to getting anymore schoolwork done, but I feel ready to come back to my book. I am putting together some major plot details. It is coming together better than expected. I'm working to make it original and knock off the cliche-ness of some of it. I don't like reading or writing anything unoriginal. I love this book. It gives me what I need out of life. And I have accomplished what I set out for in the last post. I'm writing with renewed eyes and not forcing it at all, and I feel great about this. So work hard, play hard. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Page

I really don't know how other writers do it. But I think I need to take a break. I feel the further I get in this. The less I seem to have. My plot is running really shallow. At least it seems like it is to me. So I'll let my creativeness flow. It seems a little dry. I feel like I have nothing to pull from. I think this may be writer's block. I'll take a bit. Maybe a week to get myself together. Read. Get some schoolwork done. Better myself in the many ways I need to do that. I won't totally block out any flow of ideas. I'll still jot them down when they come. I just won't force them. I'll let them come to me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Learning & Growing

I feel confident that I am almost ready to move forward with my story. I had to take a break and figure some things that I left hanging and some schoolwork was put on the back burner so once I get things at a constant I will continue. It's a little difficult but I'll be okay. I am managing. I like the things I am coming up with. I definitely feel that I am learning and growing slowly but surely. I'm proud. No matter if this story takes 8 years to complete. I WILL make take as long as I need. This book deserves every piece of greatness I can give it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I have just completed my third chapter and am in the process of transferring it from notebook to laptop. Then I will start on the fourth chapter. I am proud of what I have. But I have to keep reminding myself this is just the first draft. It isn't that great of a novel right now. And I can't say that I like what I have written. But I will hopefully feel better once it is all written down and I can start editing and doing the second, third, fourth and so on drafts. That will add meat to these bones. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I think to heighten my experience I might try to do a Harry potter fanfiction. That'd be interesting. Since I can complete it in completely my own graces and let control go out the window. It'd probably free up space in this cranium(:

Verb, but not the noun

Sometimes I feel like I'm just writing but not a writer. I know the technicalities of it but I don't have real skill. When virtually anyone on this earth can write a book. But how well will it be? I don't know how this book will turn out in the end. But I have the new perspective to not worry about anything else accept how I want it to go. And thats a good life lesson also. It doesn't matter if it sales or if its as good as Harry Potter which is my goal. I can't help but constantly compare my book to the brilliance of Harry Potter which it feels short of immensely. I don't want my book to be the same in any way shape from or fashion. But I'd like to feel as proud of my books as I feel for J.K. Rowling writing them. Those books and Twilight was the beginning of everything for me in so many ways. Harry Potter gives me hope. I WILL do this! I have self confidence in it. I believe in it. No matter what else happens, I'll remember these days. I put my soul into these books. My hard work will reflect the success. And thats success internally and not externally...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Beginning Process

What came first was the name. Soul Seeker. I came across it reading something I will not disclose :) haha. But after that came the theme I pulled from the title someone wanting to steal someone else's soul. And the rest is actually a bit foggy. I don't know how the rest came together it just did. The story it is now as completely polar opposite of what it was at first. I thought that the souls idea was unique. Not to say there aren't any books out there, but I haven't come across books talking about souls the way I am in this book. Some where down the line I came up with the decision to make the Soul Seekers a group of people that soul seek. And then a group that opposed them and did what they wanted to. The Soul Keepers and Seekers names were switched at first. i.e. The Soul Seekers were the bad guys and The Soul Keepers were the good ones. But then I thought that didn't make since for the Book to be called Soul Seeker. If she was going to be with the Soul Keepers the whole time, so I switched them.

A Little about my book

It is about a girl named Robyn and it is basically about someone who keeps trying to take her soul from here. I don't have a full on summary because I fear giving too much away. But I think that is basically the ongoing theme. When I was creating Robyn I wanted a name that felt right. At first it was Alice, then Amanda, then Brooke, and finally Robyn. I've always liked that name I don't know why. And her last name was Loft but I came across the name McQuillen and I attached it to another character. And when I told my brother about it he said I should switch them out. And once I gave it some thought, it sounded right. And Robyn Avril McQuillen it was. I wanted her personality to stand out. She has a voice and she is daring. Not like the usual timid, and shy main characters I usually read. I want people to like her and feel inspired by her.

Difficulties and Goals

It is extremely difficult to write down your own ideas. With also that I have other schoolwork and things to do at the same time, but I can handle it, hopefully lol. Sometimes I get down on my books and feel like they are gonna be complete crap. And other days I am extremely satisfied with things I have come up with. But thats a day to day process. My goal is to have atleast my first draft done by this summer. What has taken the longest is to feel ready enough to start writing. I have had countless different beginnings to my story. But I think the one I have now will stick. But when I did the first chapter it was probably last summer. Then I started on the second chapter and a little of the the third in the fall. And now I am finishing up the fourth. I keep stopping and staring, because I keep feeling like I'm not ready to start yet. I get so self conscious when I write and feel it isn't good enough. Then I stop and when I start back again I can write. One thing I have learned is that for some reason I can sit at my laptop for hours and not write a thing. But when I get my notebook everything starts pouring out. I don't know why that is. But I am cooperative to work with it.


My top three inspirations are J.K. Rowling, Darren Shan, and Stephenie Meyer. All of which write brilliantly in my opinion. But I'm not copying. I think some people mix up the meanings of inspiration and copying. I strive for my book to be as complex and brilliantly written as the Harry Potter series but these are not the Harry Potter books in any way. I don't want my books to be compared to any other books, because I don't feel like they are like any other I have read. I want them to touch people's lives and change them like Twilight did for me. Whether or not they sell well, which I would love who doesn't?, but I want to give everything I have into these books. That way I can see that I am proud of them.


Most of the time spent on these books have been consumed in notes. I have, so far, 45 pages of random ideas and notes. It can be pretty exhausting. I get an idea and I hurry to find a pen and paper to write them down. I haven't done much research for my books. Most of everything I have, I want to create my own meaning of and make my own creations. I don't like too much outside help. I want these to be completely my own creations. I have full faith in these books. I have worked damn hard on them and will sit back in contempt when they are published.

First Post

This is my first post about the new series I'm writing titled The Soulseeker Series. I decided to do this because of Darren Shan's writing tips advised doing a blog could be beneficial. I have been writing this story for about 2 years. Well, planning it for two years. I just recently starting writing my first draft for the first book called Soul Seeker.