Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Slaying for the Best Name

I've been fighting back and forth with names for my main character. Of course, names are the most important to me. They set the scene, to me. It started with Fedora. But it didn't fit. I have a certain mental image for all things in my book. And I can tell when a certain thing just doesn't fit that image. And my other candidates Brooke, Robyn, and Avril just didn't do it justice enough. But I feel that the name I have now fits the bill... Olive Wilder!!! :) Hopefully I stick with this one.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Calender

I'm done with high school. WOOT! So I can happily start back into writing. Wish me luck! - Stalymie

Sunday, May 1, 2011

He Won't Go

As my high school career is ending and have literally two weeks left until I'm done. I feel excited. Excited I will be onto the next step of my life and also my book. I am more than ready to see where my life takes me. If anything goes not to plan, I will never forget who I was and who I am. I won't forget this night. I call for ALL THE SOULSEEKERS to raise your staffs and hold your horses. Your time will come, I promise!